Rugs in Modern Design: Adding Texture and Warmth — Xena Interior Visions 2023 Rugs in modern design - XENA INTERIOR VISIONS Rugs in modern design - XENA INTERIOR VISIONS

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It is not difficult to choose the best option from a wide variety of carpet ideas if you know what rug you need. In this article, we will talk about manufacturing materials, modern design rugs characteristics, and help you choose the right option.

Choose quality material


  1. Nylon (polyamide fiber) – an elastic material with high strength and wear resistance. The pile has a bright shine. The service life of a nylon carpet will be at least 10-15 years.
  2. Acrylic – despite its artificial origin, its characteristics are very close to natural wool. However, it does not cause allergic reactions. Moreover, unlike other synthetic materials, acrylic rugs do not accumulate static electricity. Alas, in 6-8 years, it will have to be replaced.
  3. Polyester (polyester fiber) is a little harsh, but at the same time, unexpectedly warm, easy to care material with good colorfastness. However, its service life is the same as the acrylic material.
  4. Polypropylene – imitates wool well and, at the same time, tolerates all types of cleansing and is very cheap.


  1. Wool is warm and elastic, has a long service life, but in places with high humidity, it can be affected by moth larvae and even mold. The most common raw material for making rugs is sheep wool, but the camel is better in terms of characteristics.
  2. Cotton – is highly hygroscopic and not difficult to care for. But it lacks durability, so wool is often added to cotton carpets.
  3. Silk is a very dense and durable material, which does not deform with time. It keeps the shape perfectly and does not cause allergies, has a low weight, but very VERY expensive.
  4. Viscose – has good resistance to abrasion, while its cost is low, and the appearance is only slightly inferior to natural silk.


The second thing after the material you need to pay attention to when choosing a rug is the density of its knitting (the number of knots per unit area of ​​coverage). This is one of the main indicators of product quality, which is reflected in its service life.

A special classification of carpets according to the density of knitting is such:

  • Low (the number of knots is from 38 to 100 thousand per square meter) – simple, but practical carpets in ethno-style made of coarse and thick natural threads have such a density. It is better to refuse products with a long pile because due to the low density, it will constantly crumple.
  • Medium (100-325 thousand per square meter) is the most common and fairly soft with a pleasant pile. Rugs with medium density can be synthetic, mixed, or natural.
  • High-density (from 325 thousand to 1 million knots per square meter) is a sign of an expensive and very wear-resistant modern style carpet made of thin threads with use of recent high technology.
  • Extremely dense (1-1.5 million per square meter) – this indicator can be achieved only when knitting thin silk carpets. Thanks to the miniature size of the pile nodules, the patterns of the unprecedented degree of detail can be created.

You can roughly determine the density of the pile of carpet in a simple way – bending it in half. With low knitting, the base is easily visible, but the denser the nodules are, the more difficult it will be to see the base.

Type of pile

The decorative, noise- and heat-insulating properties of the carpet, tactile sensations when walking on it, and also the features of care depend on the type of pile.

Here are the most popular carpet design options:

  • Velour – the so-called sheared cut pile of small length (about 8 mm). It easily gets dirty, but only on the surface, therefore, can be cleaned without any problems.
  • Saxony – unlike velour, the yarn of this pile is a little longer, and not fluffy, but twisted into threads. Such a carpet looks spectacular, even in one color and is very soft.
  • Frieze is a very long twisted pile, fixed by heat. It can be cut, loop, or assembled from threads of different thicknesses. The frieze-rug looks something hairy, but it’s nice to walk on it. The dirt does not particularly cling to it, but the debris through a rare pile falls to the very bottom so that the coating every six months will require serious cleaning.
  • Katlup it is perhaps the most unpretentious type of pile of all. It looks interesting because it combines small loops with cut threads.

Do not forget about use of pileless carpet ideas such as Palace and Sumak. They practically invincible against damage from furniture legs and are highly resistant to abrasion. The pileless products are also easy to clean, and some of them have a double-sided design, so a hopelessly damaged carpet can simply be turned upside down and used further.

Find out the right size and shape

Practical use

Choosing a carpet takes as a basis for your personal preferences, not practical considerations. However, before choosing a color and pattern, consider the material of the product. Ask yourself – what is the room in which the carpet will be used, by whom and how often? Also, consider thinking about children and pets.

For example, in a nursery, you need carpets that are resistant to stains. Thus, polypropylene carpets are more commonly used here. And in the bedroom, on the contrary, silk flooring will be the best choice.

How to place a carpet correctly?

For maximum effect, choose a large rug. Place furniture on the edges of the carpet or place the front legs of the furniture on it. For the bedroom, use narrow carpets on either side of the bed or large one that will be visible around it.

Stair-carpet and lobby carpeting

These carpets are designed for stairs and hallways. They can also be placed in front of the fireplace, sofa, or next to the bed. In addition, you can use them to divide the room into zones.

How to choose the size of the carpet

When deciding to choose a palace, it is important to decide whether it should occupy the entire room or fit the desired area. In the first case, the rug’s edges should not reach the walls by at least 20-30 cm.

For the harmonious arrangement of the carpet in the area with furniture, there are several useful rules:

  • For a large carpet on which all room’s furniture is placed, from the edges of the furniture to the edge of the rug should remain 10-15 cm of free space. With this furniture arrangement, carefully select the carpet pattern, as part of it will be hidden so that the visible part may look incomplete.
  • For a medium-sized rug, on which only the front legs of the furniture are placed, it is important to provide that interior items cover at least 20 cm of the rug. If the furniture has high legs, this distance should be greater (for hiding of the open floor).
  • A small rug may be in the center of the furniture group. This arrangement is acceptable if you want to make carpet the center of the recreation area. In this case, nothing should stand on the carpet, and the color and pattern should be clear and noticeable.

Attention to color and style

The choice of rug color depends on several factors:

  • Room size. Small living rooms will seem larger with a lighter carpet. And spacious rooms will become more comfortable if you use a rug of medium or dark colors.
  • Degrees of illumination. In a room with a lot of natural light, rugs of darker shades can be used freely. The carpet in the room with a window to the north side should be brighter, as, in natural light, it will appear darker than it is.
  • Intensity of movement. If children often play in the room, pets run around, or you like friendly gatherings with drinks and food, then light or plain rugs will not be the best idea. A more practical option is a patterned or colored carpet.

If you are in doubt, which color is better, follow the simple rule. The coating will look better if it has at least two accent colors presented in the room’s decor. If you are looking for a color-neutral carpet, then beige or gray options are favorites that do not go out of style.


Choosing the right carpet for the floor, keeping in mind the color and other interior features, is a difficult task.The purchase of modern designer rugs is a sufficient reason to think about the placement of accents in the interior with its help, and also to solve several zoning issues. The carpet helps make the interior more complete, to combine its various parts in a single picture. Still, in any case, the decisive factors are color and size. If feel any difficulties with choosing rugs in modern design do not forget to contact Xena Interior Visions Limassol specialist.

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